Application Custom Settings

Easy2Patch 4.0

You can change application-specific settings on this screen. As soon as a change is made on this screen, general settings and application settings are merged and become valid. If a setting is changed on an application basis, the dominant one will definitely be the application settings.

General Settings

Install Command Line

These are the default installation parameters of the application. Shipped by Easy2Patch. These are unattended installation parameters. Changes made to this field may affect unattended installation of the application.

Add Config File

If you want to use a configuration file or a file that can customize the installation during the installation of the application, the configuration file can be added with the "Add Config File" section.

Added Config Files

When a file added for customization, you can manage files from "Added Config Files" section. You can delete files from this area.

Process Conflict

Process Conflict, determines whether running processes will be terminated during the installation of the application on the end user computer.

Default Process Confirm Type

There are 3 options:


While an application is being installed on the end user's computer, if this application is running, it is not terminated. In this case, the application's setup file decides what to do. Since Easy2Patch does not send any information, failure to terminate the application may cause the installation to fail. The update is performed on the first restart of the target computer or when the application is closed.


While an application is being installed on the end user's computer, if this application is running, it will terminated. If the user tries to run the application being installed, Easy2Patch notifies the end user with a warning screen stating that this application cannot be opened.


While an application is being installed on the end user's computer, if the programs of the installed application are running, Easy2Patch will display a warning screen and inform you that the application will be automatically terminated and the application will be updated after the specified time.

For the applications specified in the Process Names field, a key with the same name is opened under the registry key below and the application is prevented from running with a debug record.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

Default Process Confirm Message

When the "Confirm" option is selected, the warning message to be sent to the end user is determined in this field. It is displayed for the specified period of time (Process Kill Timeout) and the application is terminated at the end of this period.

Process Kill Timeout

When the "Confirm" option is selected, the warning message to be sent to the end user is determined in this field. It is displayed for the specified period of time (Process Kill Timeout) and the application is terminated at the end of this period. A value in seconds is entered into this field. This value has a minimum 60 seconds and maximum 300 seconds.

Process Names

It is the list of processes that will be terminated before the installation starts. The exe at the end of the application is added without being written. Processes can be added by pressing the + (Blue Plus) button and deleted by pressing the X (Red Cross) button.

Changes made should be saved with the Save button in this area.

Last updated