Installing Easy2Patch 4.0

Scope: Easy2Patch 4.0

Easy2Patch is an application with unlimited usage rights that contains free catalogs. By registering, the demo version with all the features and the catalog is available for a limited time.

Before you Install Easy2Patch 4.0 on your server, you must complete prerequisites.

  1. Install SQL Server if you don't want to use Configuration Manager's database server

Installation Steps

  1. Download: Go to the Easy2Patch website to download Easy2Patch. Click on the Get 30 Day Premium Trial link, and your browser should start downloading the program. Save the file to your preferred location on your computer.

  1. Run the installer: Once the download is complete, navigate to the location where you saved the file and double-click on it to run the installer. If a security warning appears, click on "Run" to continue.

  2. Installation: The installer will guide you through the installation process, and you should carefully read and follow the instructions. You can install it in the default folder or a drive with large free disk space.

Post Setup Steps

After the installation is completed, FTW (First Time Wizard) runs automatically. If it does not work, you can manually run the FTW.exe application as "Run As Administrator" from the path "SystemDrive:\Program Files\Easy2Patch Web Edition\FTW".


You have two option in this screen:

  1. Encrypt connection strings and other confidential information?: If you select this option, the critical information (like password, username etc.) stored in appsettings and database, will be encrypted after setup completes.

    a. If you use SQL Server Authentication Mode, sql account information will be encrypted

    b. If you use Secure access to LDAP, LDAP user account's password must be encrypted with this option.

  2. Remember wizard settings: When this option selected, when you restart the wizard all settings (except passwords) will be remembered and filled. FTW settings are kept in the ftwsettings.json file located in the directory where FTW is located.

Installation Type

If you Install Easy2Patch 4.0 first time, you should select New Installation of Easy2Patch. If you will upgrade, you should select Upgrade Easy2Patch to a new version.

IIS Settings

Easy2Patch 4.0 is an application that runs on IIS. During the setup, a web page named Easy2Patch and 2 Application Pools named Easy2Patch and ConfigMgr were created in IIS. FTW will configure this site and application pools.

Host Name: Enter the web address where the application will run. It is generally recommended to enter it in the FQDN format. Ex:

HTTP Port Number: The port number that will listen to HTTP traffic. In the recommended configuration, although HTTPS works with the Enable SSL Binding option, only HTTP listening is possible to support offloading scenarios.

Enable SSL Binding: This option also enables HTTPS (TCP443) listening. If this option is selected, an appropriate SSL certificate must be selected from the combobox that will open.

Application Pool: Determines which account the Application Pool will work with. If SQL Authentication Mode is not used, the account selected in this field will be used in connections to the database.

Local System: The LocalSystem account, also referred to as "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM", is used.

Custom Account: Enter the user account as domain\username and the password for this account. If you want to use a GMSA account, LocalSystem is selected in the wizard and then the GMSA account is entered from IIS.


Unlike previous versions, Easy2Patch 4.0 stores all configurations and collected data in the database. On this screen, it is determined on which server and in which path the database named Easy2Patch will be created. Additionally, the ConnectionString definition is written to the AppSettings.json file according to the information provided on this screen.

Server Name:

The name of the SQL Server server and instance information are entered. example: SERVERNAME\INSTANCE or just SERVERNAME if the default instance name is used


The port number that the given instance listens to is entered in the Server name field. The default value is 1433.

Database Name:

Database name is entered. The default is Easy2Patch. It can be changed.

Database Physical Path (Data):

It is the physical path where the database's data file will be kept. The default value is read from SQL Server. If desired, it can be changed by entering appropriate path information on the server. The path information on the local or remote server can be browsed with the (...) button.

Database Physical Path (Log):

It is the physical path where the database's log file will be kept. The default value is read from SQL Server. If desired, it can be changed by entering appropriate path information on the server. The path information on the local or remote server can be browsed with the (...) button.

Enable SQL Authentication:

If this option is not selected, database connection is established with the account entered in the Application Pool. Authentication is done using the Windows Authentication method. If SQL Authentication mode is used and a SQL account will be used to access the database, this option must be selected and the SQL account must be entered. When this option is selected, a windows or active directory account cannot be used.

Active Directory

If local Active Directory is used, Active Directory information is entered to authorize the accounts to be used to log in to the portal. If Active Directory is not used or Microsoft EntraID will be used to log in to the system, this field is left blank and Next is clicked.

Domain FQDN:

Local Active Directory FQDN information should be entered. For example:

Secure/Not Secure:

If you use Non-Secure LDAP Access you can select Not Secure. when you select Not secure port number of LDAP Access is 389. Other option should be selected when you want to access to Active Directory with secure tcp connection. When you select Secure option, Port number will be 636.


The port number to which the LDAP connection will be made is entered. By default, non-secure connections use TCP 389, and secure connections use TCP 636.


Regardless of the secure mode of access, user account information to be connected to Active Directory is entered. If this option is not selected, connection is made with the accounts entered in the Application Pool. Allows you to use GMSA. If this option is selected, the username and password must be entered in domain\username format. Password information will be stored encrypted in the database.


There is a default root user in the Easy2Patch portal. This user is a restricted administrator. Can perform basic functions and perform the minimum administrative activities required for the system to operate. This user's password will be determined on this screen. The password criteria must be at least 8 characters and meet at least 3 of the sets of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters. It is mandatory to enter.

If Active Directory is used, the user account or Active Directory group is searched in the AD Search field and authorization can be provided by pressing the Add button. Authorizations can be changed after logging into the Easy2Patch portal. If Active Directory is not used, this field can be left blank.


This screen lists the prerequisites required for the application to run. In the Result tab, it will be seen whether the prerequisite is met or not.


Once all settings have been made, a final summary will be provided. After this stage, Easy2Patch post setup operations are performed with the information provided.

Last updated