General Settings

Easy2Patch 4.0

Easy2Patch 4.0 settings are grouped under different categories. General settings related to Easy2Patch 4.0 are located under General Settings. However, there are some settings that cannot be made from the interface. Below are the settings made from local files.

The following settings can be edited in the appsettings.json file in the Easy2Patch 4.0 Web Edition installation directory.

Since the following settings are changed in the appsettings.json file, IIS must be restarted after the changes are made. Otherwise, the settings will not become valid and it will continue to work with the old settings.


Determines the session duration of the user logging in to the web portal. It is in minutes and defaults to 60 minutes. Shortening the time will make usage more difficult and increase safety. If the period is extended, it will reduce the need to log in during the day. However, in this case, an accidentally forgotten session will remain open during this period.


Easy2Patch 4.0 uses hangfire .net core service technology instead of Windows Service to perform scheduled tasks in the background. By typing /hangfire at the end of the address where the Web Portal is published, the tasks, working times and results of the service can be seen. Manual triggering operations can also be performed if desired.


This is the username to be used to enter the Hangfire interface. It defaults to "admin".


This is the password to be used to enter the Hangfire interface. By default it is "admin".


Sets the default state of the Hangfire service when IIS starts. If the value here is true, the Hangfire service starts when IIS starts. If set to false, the hangfire service will not start automatically when IIS starts. It must be started manually from the Schedule tab.


Easy2Patch 4.0 uses the database in SQL Server. The connection string to this server is defined in this field. The information entered in this field is automatically encrypted after IIS runs.

SQL Server with default instance and with SQL Authentication

"Data Source=SERVERNAME; Initial Catalog=Easy2Patch; user Id=UserName;password=Password; pooling=true; TrustServerCertificate=True;"

SQL Server with an instance and with SQL Authentication

"Data Source=SERVERNAME\Instance; Initial Catalog=Easy2Patch; user Id=UserName;password=Password; pooling=true; TrustServerCertificate=True;"

SQL Server with default instance and with Integrated Authentication

"Data Source=SERVERNAME; Initial Catalog=Easy2Patch; Trusted_Connection=True; pooling=true; TrustServerCertificate=True;"

SQL Server with an instance and with Integrated Authentication

"Data Source=SERVERNAME\Instance; Initial Catalog=Easy2Patch; Trusted_Connection=True; pooling=true; TrustServerCertificate=True;"
  "Loggings": {
    "LogLevel": null
  "TokenOptions": {
    "Audience": "Easy2Patch A.Ş",
    "Issuer": "Easy2Patch",
    "AccessTokenExpiration": 1440,
    "SecurityKey": "Easy2Patch Web Portal Application",
    "ApplicationId": "9932948f-bead-4e18-8b72-fa9fb93be2c6"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Easy2PatchDb": "The encrypted string of the connection string to the Easy2Patch database appears in this field."
  "IsShowSignalR": true,
  "AllowedHosts": [],
  "SCCMAndWsusSiteName": "ConfigMgr",
  "HangfireUserName": "EAAAAHvR2G2m8995rIkczIKQkQ18IutxohSOn4W5Qzf5lZpL",
  "HangfirePassword": "EAAAAEvAuFs9HWtrNK0qwEvPXdVQdwaKG8c9pPWylPoPBk3P",
  "Hangfire": {
    "IsServiceRun": true,
    "SetServiceCron": "0 */1 * * *",
    "IsRunSetOSManagedInfos": true,
    "SetOSManagedInfosCron": "0 12 * * *",
    "IsRunSetSoftwareInventoryInfos": true,
    "SetSoftwareInventoryInfosCron": "0 12 * * *",
    "IsSetSystemInfos": true,
    "SetSystemInfosCron": "0 12 * * *",
    "IsSetUpdateInfos": true,
    "SetUpdateInfosCron": "0 12 * * *",
    "IsSetClientUpdateMap": true,
    "SetClientUpdateMapCron": "0 12 * * *",
    "IsSetUpdateStatistic": true,
    "SetUpdateStatisticCron": "0 */3 * * *"

Last updated